Interviewed and originally published in the Botswana Guardian newspaper. Winter is a time where people are looking at ways to stay warm. While we can turn up our heaters, put more wood on the fire and curl up in blankets there is one thing that can warm from the inside out. A hot drink on a cold day is an antidote to most winter ills. People everywhere have switched from aromatic herbal teas to the sweeter drinks like hot chocolate, cappuccinos to the latte, espresso and frappuccinos to help endure those long dark winter nights. Coffee is one of the most popular drinks nowadays. The range includes the traditional espresso, cappuccinos, and latte, Irish coffee among others. These hot beverages were developed in the 1900s and became very popular in the 50’s when high-pressure espresso machines were introduced in cafes and restaurants around Europe. By mid 1990’s cappuccino was widely available in the US with the boom in the American coffee industry, according to a websi
Global citizen, crisis and risk communication expert, journalist, doctor, humanitarian award winner. The blog serves as a portfolio and does not reflect endorsement or affiliation.