Here’s a dirty little secret about white sugar: It contains absolutely no nutritional value. Sugar is often called the anti-nutrient. Consumption of sugar steals important vitamins and minerals from the body such as calcium, potassium, thiamin, chromium and vitamin C. ¹ Processed sugars and carbohydrates, which convert into sugar, will cause a rapid increase in insulin levels in the bloodstream. This rapid increase causes a release of endorphins. These endorphins will cause the body to have a chemical mental “high”, which lifts your mood. Continuous use of sugar causes the brain’s endorphin sites to slow and shut down to regulate the amount of endorphins in the brain. When these endorphin sites are damaged in the brain it will cause a chemical mental “low”, commonly called depression. To maintain endorphin levels in the brain, a person must consume more sugar to get out of the depressed state. This will cause a vicious cycle of depression and addiction. A study published in the...
Global citizen, crisis and risk communication expert, journalist, doctor, humanitarian award winner. The blog serves as a portfolio and does not reflect endorsement or affiliation.