Maximize Your Mind! If you think you can do it, or you think you can't do it, You’re right!! YOUR mindset is critical in every aspect of your life; YOUR finances, YOUR health, YOUR family, YOUR work all depend on it! Notice I put YOUR, it is up to you, make the choice! It’s not wishful thinking! How do we master OUR thoughts? We need to understand that OUR emotions control OUR every thought! It is time to shift your AWARENESS! Negative Emotions Afraid, lonely, angry, sad, betrayed, disappointed, ugly, inadequate, guilty, resentment, heartbroken, unappreciated, unworthy, empty, poor, sick, medical diagnosis. If you think you are a victim, not capable, don’t have enough self control, exercise is not for me, that advanced eating plan is too hard, I get sore, I can eat cupcakes, I don’t have enough time, I’m too tired; YOU’RE RIGHT! You will believe yourself! People think about what they don't want and attract more of the same! POSITIVE EMOTIONS Accepted, ac...
Global citizen, crisis and risk communication expert, journalist, doctor, humanitarian award winner. The blog serves as a portfolio and does not reflect endorsement or affiliation.